Pacamor Kubar Bearings (PKB) is JCP Certified. A Joint Certification Program is required by U.S. or Canadian Government Contractors wanting to obtain access to unclassified technical data drawings disclosing military critical technology with military or space application that is under control of, or in the possession of, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) or the Canadian Department of Defense.
Some historical JCP background
The United States (U.S.) and Canada:
- Share a unique, long-standing military and economic relationship.
- Are partners in the joint defense of North America and have established a bilateral common structure (NORAD) for mutual defense
- Consult and cooperate on the development of common industrial security procedures and technology controls
- Have entered into numerous bilateral agreements that codify and support this relationship
- In 1985, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that established the U.S.-Canada Joint Certification Program (JCP)
The JCP:
- Was established to certify contractors of each country for access, on an equally favorable basis, to unclassified technical data disclosing critical technology controlled in the U.S. by Department of Defense (DOD) Directive 5230.25 and, in Canada, by the Technical Data Control Regulations
- Is managed by the U.S./Canada Joint Certification Office (JCO)
The JCO:
- Is a common, jointly staffed office
- Receives and processes the DD Form 2345